Sunday, October 24, 2010


The UK's first poo-powered VW Beetle has taken to the streets. It's a breakthrough that makes you go from 'Yuck!' to 'Wow!'. Go on, step on the gas!

On first hearing of the Bio-Bug, some people will smile, and some people will go 'yuck'! Either way, what I hope they realise is that this is exactly the kind of innovation we now need for a more sustainable world - and those directly involved should be proud they're making a small but significant contribution to it everyday!" — Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future.
Now, that's one crappy idea that works!
ADBA chairman Lord Rupert Redesdale said: "This is a very exciting and forward-thinking project demonstrating the myriad benefits of anaerobic digestion (AD).
 Using biogas from sewage sludge is yet to take off in the UK despite a significant amount being produced everyday at sewage plants around the country.
 using biogas from sewage sludge is yet to take off in the UK despite a significant amount being produced everyday at sewage plants around the country.
The Bio-Bug runs on methane gas generated during the sewage treatment process.
Waste flushed down the toilets of just 70 homes is enough to power the Bio-Bug for a year, based on an annual mileage of 10,000 miles.

 using biogas from sewage sludge is yet to take off in the UK despite a significant amount being produced everyday at sewage plants around the country.